11 Seduction Tips From Vanilla Ice Lead The Daily Links

Plus the iPhone that exploded a breast implant, the baby-naming trend inspired by Game of Thrones , and celeb couples who manage to be even cuter off-screen than on.

Once upon a time, Vanilla Ice mastered the art of seduction. Here are 11 of his best tips. - [FilmDrunk]

Via: filmdrunk.uproxx.com

Breast implants and iPhone games: Not necessarily the best of friends. - [Daily Mail]

Via: folderdropping.livejournal.com

World War Z is science fiction, sure. But an enterprising biophysicist fact-checked it for scientific accuracy anyway. - [Vulture]

Surely Yahoo's shareholders would treat CEO Marissa Mayer with the respect befitting her position? Not at this meeting they didn't. - [The Atlantic Wire]

Via: Beck Diefenbach / Reuters

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