Haha, you wanted to use those crayons to DRAW a PICTURE? Amateur.
Rose Art Crayons
Like smashing a candle repeatedly against some paper, hoping in vain for a hint of color to appear. Plus they were maybe a dollar cheaper than Crayolas so NOT EVEN WORTH IT.
Source: savingwithaworkingmom.com
Crappy Purple Glue Sticks
Wait sorry, you thought this was supposed to make one thing adhere to another? Can't give you that, but it *will* deposit smelly purple streaks all over everything you once held dear.
Plastic-Coated Safety Scissors
Trying to cut something with these was like being a toothless old man gumming a piece of Wonder Bread.
Source: edoutfittersonline.com
For all the kids at summer camp who didn't want to do archery or woodworking or (GOD FORBID) swimming and just wanted to be left alone in the shade. A constant physical reminder of failure and isolation.
Source: ehow.com