People In Giant Pigeon Masks Troll The Heck Out Of Google Streetview In Japan

Well, that’s one way to get around Google Streetview’s face blurring.

If you find yourself looking up Mitaka Station in Musashino, Tokyo on Google Streetview you might notice something a little strange.

If you find yourself looking up Mitaka Station in Musashino, Tokyo on Google Streetview you might notice something a little strange.

Halfway down the sidewalk there is a big flock of pigeons.

Halfway down the sidewalk there is a big flock of pigeons.

Like a really big flock.

Like a really big flock.

The whole thing was set up by the writers of Japanese blog Daily Portal Z, who spotted the Streetview cars in the area.

The whole thing was set up by the writers of Japanese blog Daily Portal Z , who spotted the Streetview cars in the area.

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