MAG: Lindsay Lohan Pleading With Friends From Rehab To Give Her “Another Chance”

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Lindsay Lohan is spending her time in rehab “pleading with pals to give her another chance,” claims National Enquirer.

According to the tab, a “miserable” Lohan is passing her 90 days at the Betty Ford Center by sending letters to Samantha RonsonThe Wanted’s Max George, and even “nemesis” Paris Hilton.

The Enquirer says Lohan “labored over a love letter to her lesbian ex, DJ Samantha Ronson,” and quotes a so-called “pal” of the actress as saying, “Lindsay took ages writing it.”



Lohan’s rep tells Gossip Cop exclusively that the magazine’s story is ”not true.”

Instead, as Lohan’s spokesperson previously told us while correcting yet another inaccurate story, the rehabbing actress is now “focusing on getting healthy.”

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