Truth rating: 0
10:18 am, June 20th, 2013

Blake Shelton has “turned to copious amounts of alcohol in recent months to escape the troubles plaguing his marriage to Miranda Lambert,” reports In Touch, a tabloid whose sources falsely said the same thing about Lambert last month.
But In Touch is easily duped, so here we go again.
The basis of the tabloid’s story is that Shelton and Lambert are having issues after he was “romantically linked” to singer-songwriter Cady Groves — a rumor so dumb and so untrue the couple laughed at it when it first surfaced.
In Touch does not seem to care.
According to the magazine, Shelton has “packed on at least 50 pounds” in the last year as he allegedly gorges on junk food and drinks himself silly to cope with his supposed marital problems.
“He has demons. His drinking really accelerates when he’s on the road, so he may gain even more weight this summer when he goes on tour,” a so-called “friend” explains to the tabloid, which says Shelton’s alleged “cheating scandal” is taking a serious toll.
On Thursday, an In Touch reporter on VH1’s early morning train wreck “The Gossip Table” spread the rumor to viewers who had successfully avoided the magazine’s print edition this week.
This is all complete nonsense.
There’s no scandal.
There’s no eating and alcohol binge.
Tabloids made up rumors about Shelton and Lambert, and now the same tabloids are creating a second wave of stories about his supposed tailspin.
A source close to Shelton tells Gossip Cop it’s all “b.s.” and “100 percent not true.”
For a textbook illustration of “b.s.,” please see the clip below.
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