Justin Bieber Urged To Become U.S. Citizen?

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“Bieber’s American Dream Sinking,” reads the headline of a National Enquirer story that goes on to claim, “Canadian-born Justin Bieber is being urged by his management team to apply for U.S. citizenship, but the 19-year-old chart-topper’s advisers fear that his out-of-control antics may ruin his chances.”

Go on.

According to the supermarket tabloid, a so-called “pal” of the superstar says Bieber’s people are “desperate to save his flagging image by aligning him with his biggest fan base, which is in the U.S.,” but cautions that “if he wants to get his citizenship he has to prove he’s of good moral character,” and his “recent track record isn’t great.”

Gossip Cop is fairly certain no “pal” of Bieber talks that way.

Anyway, the magazine doubles down by quoting its so-called “source” as saying Bieber is “meeting with immigration lawyers, but it will be a waste of time if he doesn’t clean up his act.”

Here’s what’s true in the Enquirer story: Bieber is Canadian.

Here’s what’s not true in the Enquirer story: EVERYTHING ELSE.

The Biebs has NO plans on switching his citizenship.

Gossip Cop checked in with a rep for the singer, and was told there’s “no truth” to the tabloid’s report.

Of course, the Enquirer has a rich history with Bieber, including claims that he was bottling his own sweat to sell at auction (bogus); has a curfew imposed by Will Smith (nope); and was told by his management to get Botox treatments (laughable).

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