Dan Harmon Apologizes for Trashing Season 4 of ‘Community’

Dan Harmon is fully aware that he has a big mouth.

The Community showrunner -- back at the cult NBC sitcom after being benched for one season for his difficult behavior -- is now apologizing for his indelicate assessment of season 4, which was overseen by Moses Port and David Guarascio.

"Writers fighting other writers is the f---ing American dream in the eyes of Sony," he said of the show's studio on Monday's Harmontown podcast. "That is what they want. They want creative people rewriting each other. They want creative people replacing each other. They want us interchangeable."

Harmon dismissively said of Port and Guarascio's efforts that they "tried their best," but that the season was ultimately "like an impression. An unflattering one." He also likened watching plot developments unfold on his baby to "being held down and watching your family get raped on a beach.

Realizing he had once again put a Niketown inventory's worth of shoes in his mouth, Harmon backtracks on a blog post titled, "It Won't Happen Again Again."

"I went to bed feeling great," Harmon writes of the podcast venting session, "woke up and started work on season five of Community with our exciting season five staff. I took them to lunch, checked my tweets, discovered my name in several headlines next to several bad words, and, as usual, it was then that I started to consider how my words might affect other people if viewed as headlines."

Harmon then apologizes to his fans (who "got paid nothing to stick by Community and get us to a fifth season only to hear the incoming showrunner say some stuff that felt very un-Community"), the cast and crew ("I wasn’t thinking about your contribution or describing it. I was just indulging my petty feelings about being left out") and, finally, the show's writing staff ("I'm sorry I pooped on your work").

Harmon also addresses the hot-button topic of rape humor, saying he is "sorry to anyone I hurt by conjuring the concept of rape in a metaphor about my stupid hurt feelings."

Seth Abramovitch