14 OMG Moments From This Week’s “True Blood”

Sookie’s a what now? And Bill has a shocking premonition about the future. MAJOR SPOILERS for “The Sun.”

When Warlow entered through a portal.

When Warlow entered through a portal.

On the bridge where he murdered Sookie and Jason's parents, no less.

Via: HBO

When "Warlow" turned out to be Niall, Jason, and Sookie's faerie grandfather.

When "Warlow" turned out to be Niall, Jason, and Sookie's faerie grandfather.

But we actually knew that last week.

Via: HBO

When Eric dug the magic bullet out of Tara.

When Eric dug the magic bullet out of Tara.

Turns out cops are now equipped with vampire-specific silver bullets that emit UV light, because OF COURSE THEY ARE.

Via: HBO

When Bill started feeling the pain of all vampires.

When Bill started feeling the pain of all vampires.

Which meant experiencing vampire hate crimes. And then slipping into a totally inconvenient catatonic state.

Via: HBO

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