12 Things There Should Be A Word For

It’s on the tip of your tongue.

The tiny patch of hair missed when shaving.

The tiny patch of hair missed when shaving.

What: The razor is back in the bathroom cabinet, the shaving foam has been wiped off the sink. Getting dressed, you run your hands over your smooth skin. Except, there's a bit you've missed. You're running late now and have no time to fix it. You'll have to leave the house like this. Like a plonker.

Suggestion: Bro-muda Triangle.

Usage: 'Oh no, I got sucked into the Bromuda Triangle again'.

The feeling of righteous but futile fury when replying to a comment online.

The feeling of righteous but futile fury when replying to a comment online.

What: Reading a lively article, you see reaction upon reaction, each more wrong than the last. Your logic abandoned, your fingers fly furiously upon the keyboard. With each keystroke you know how this will end. But anger fuels you further.

Suggestion: Kamikaz-key.

Usage: 'I knew weighing in would be a kamikazkey mission, but I couldn't help myself'.

The taste of someone else's chips.

The taste of someone else's chips.

What: No sweeter taste than a snack which is not yours. No crunchier bite than a chip stolen from someone else's plate. No chip more golden than your neighbour's, no thrill like snatching the last chip from across the table. And it's not the same if they offer it to you.

Suggestion: Prize fries.

Usage: 'Sorry for eating your dinner, but you know how it is with prize fries'.

The urge to steal something when drunk.

The urge to steal something when drunk.

What: Drinks are flowing, the dancefloor is filling up, you're having the time of your life. However, one jager later, and you spot it. The thing that will make your life complete. You can't imagine how you ever lived without it. This traffic cone in the smoking area is everything. You must have it, whatever the cost.

Suggestion: Vodka fingers.

Usage: 'Morning guys. You can thank my vodka fingers for our new set of pint glasses'.

Via: myspace.com

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