Who knew pixels could be so frustrating?
Kazooie in Banjo-Kazooie
If you weren't able to fly us around once in awhile, I would have seriously left your ass on top of Spiral Mountain.
Punch-o-meter: A quick sucker punch to the beak so she'll stop squawking.
Source: images5.fanpop.com
Toads in Paper Mario
Go talk to the toad in toad town, they said. It'll be easy, they said.
Punch-o-meter: Punch them just hard enough to leave a different mark on each toad's face so you can finally tell them apart.
Source: supersmashbros4.tumblr.com
Baby Mario in Mario Golf
Why do you exist? But more importantly, how do you exist? You're a younger version of Mario and he's in this game too.
Punch-o-meter: A metaphorical punch, because punching babies is wrong.
Kirby in Super Smash Bros
Are you seriously going to eat me, steal my moves, and then float away like nothing happened?
Punch-o-meter: A falcon-punch to the mouth, so he'll never do that annoying "Hiii" taunt again.
Source: images1.wikia.nocookie.net