The 21 Most Important Voyages By Animals Riding Animals

Onward, noble steeds. To your place in history.

The Great 1617 Voyage Across The Town Square, Undertaken By Cat Upon Dog

The Great 1617 Voyage Across The Town Square, Undertaken By Cat Upon Dog


The 1492 Long Journey Through The Barn, Undertaken By Duke Pugworth Upon His Valiant Steed

The 1492 Long Journey Through The Barn, Undertaken By Duke Pugworth Upon His Valiant Steed


Big Pimp The Pup's Expedition Through The Park Upon Turtle

Big Pimp The Pup's Expedition Through The Park Upon Turtle


The Grand Quest Of The Haystacks By Gertrude The Great Upon Pony

The Grand Quest Of The Haystacks By Gertrude The Great Upon Pony


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