Katy Perry Wrote Revenge Song Called “Feel Like A Fool” About John Mayer?

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Katy Perry has a new “revenge song” about John Mayer, according to Star.

The magazine claims that Perry is “so embarrassed that she didn’t listen to warnings about [Mayer's] womanizing ways,” she’s supposedly “pouring her heart out in a song called ‘Feel Like a Fool.’”

“This was Katy’s form of therapy,” reports one Star source. “She rips John a new one for making her think he wasn’t the dog everyone claimed he was.”

Ah, but there’s a catch, according to the tabloid.

In order to avoid seeming like “the next Taylor Swift,” explains Star, “Katy is letting only her friends hear the song… for now.”

Oh, how convenient for Star that only a small group of unidentified pals is getting the chance to hear the “revenge song” the tabloid fabricated!

Anyway, this story is 100 percent false.

It’s “completely untrue,” a source close to Perry assures Gossip Cop.

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