Heartbreaking, Horrific Images Of The Bangladesh Factory Collapse

The death toll has passed 400, but hundreds more remain unaccounted for as cleanup and protests rage on in Dhaka. WARNING: Graphic images ahead.

On Wednesday, garment workers in Bangladesh united to protest last week's horrific factory collapse. Protestors are demanding the death penalty for Sohel Rana, the owner of Rana Plaza, which housed five factories.

On Wednesday, garment workers in Bangladesh united to protest last week's horrific factory collapse. Protestors are demanding the death penalty for Sohel Rana, the owner of Rana Plaza, which housed five factories.

Via: Andrew Biraj / Reuters

Here's Sohel Rana headed to a hearing on Tuesday in Dhaka wearing handcuffs and police riot gear.

Here's Sohel Rana headed to a hearing on Tuesday in Dhaka wearing handcuffs and police riot gear.

Bangladeshi media say Rana was involved in illegal activity relating to guns and drugs. The New York Times reports that "it appears that the tragedy could have been averted if the frantic warnings of an engineer who examined the building the day before had been heeded." Many of the workers at Rana Plaza made as little as $40 a month.

Via: Bangladesh / Reuters

As of Wednesday, the death toll had reached 410 and continues to rise.

As of Wednesday, the death toll had reached 410 and continues to rise.

Hundreds more bodies are thought to be trapped in the rubble. Unidentified victims were buried in a mass grave Wednesday.

Via: Andrew Biraj / Reuters

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