9 Ways To Know You’re A French Bulldog Owner

A list of traits you're bound to have if you're the proud owner of a Frenchie, or an avid Frenchie enthusiast.

You've done more dietary research for your dog than for yourself.

You've done more dietary research for your dog than for yourself.

Frenchie's can have fickle digestive systems. So do humans, but a lot of times it doesn't stop us from having a three way with gluten and dairy multiple times a day. In the case of our pig dogs, however, we will SCOUR the internet for ways to help their itching or alleviate their mega farts.

You don't react to farts anymore.

You don't react to farts anymore.

Ok, so maybe you do. But when your Frenchy farts it's hilarious and you can't stay mad at that shocked and confused face for long. MINE LITERALLY JUST FARTED ON MY LAP AS I WAS WRITING THIS. If you're lucky you've figured out it's diet enough that it wont smell too bad, but even then I almost feel proud. It's like a high school kid winning a burping contest.

Via: champagnemacarons.tumblr.com

Burps put you on alert.

Burps put you on alert.

Burps are funny too. Except around 30% of Frenchie burps mean they just puked in their mouths a little bit. Most of time they just make comically loud licking sounds because they don't understand how food just suddenly appeared in their mouths, but sometimes you need to clean up. And they hate having their face cleaned.

Source: static  /  via: frenchbulldogz.net

You get pissed when people mistake your Frenchie for a Pug or Boston Terrier.

You get pissed when people mistake your Frenchie for a Pug or Boston Terrier.

What are you, a fucking dog racist? Get your shit together. Ok, so maybe there are SOME similarities... They're all small, short snouted and big eared. However, there are some very distinct features that separate the three. And even then, some people feel the need to insist that your dog MUST not be 100% or must have A LITTLE Boston in there. Ya know what? Some Frenchies are a little bit leaner! Some Bostons are stockier! STOP IMPOSING YOUR BODY IMAGE ISSUES ON MY DOG.

Via: frenchiesrule.tumblr.com

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