Not everything is terrible after all.
Looking at cute animals makes you more productive.
A 2012 study found that viewing pictures of puppies and kittens made subjects significantly better at a motor dexterity task, as well as a task that involved searching for numbers. So clearly looking at cute animals on the internet makes you better at your job.
Countries that consume the most chocolate also have the most Nobel Prize winners.
A study last year uncovered the relationship. Eat at least fifty Hershey's Special Darks per day and you will become a physics genius in no time.
And people who eat chocolate have better sex.
Eating at least one cube of dark chocolate daily improves sexual desire and function, according to one study.
Generous people live longer.
A five-year study concluded this year found that people who gave to others were hardier than those who were stingy. Said the study author, "we found that when dealing with stressful situations, those who had helped others during the previous year were less likely to die than those who had not helped others."