Yet More Evidence That Vin Scully Is Our Greatest Living Broadcaster

Social media? Hashtags? A TV CHANNEL FOR DOGS?

Broadcaster Vin Scully, now in his 64th season as the voice of the Los Angeles Dodgers, is beyond reproach. The man even had his own Bobblehead Night last season.

Broadcaster Vin Scully, now in his 64th season as the voice of the Los Angeles Dodgers, is beyond reproach. The man even had his own Bobblehead Night last season.


He remembers Ebbets Field, torn down 53 years ago, with such alacrity and verve that it makes you feel like you're there.

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Scully even once made a parachutist crashing a World Series game seem like not the weirdest thing you ever witnessed during a baseball game.


So when Vin Scully wants to opine about, say, the origins of hashtags and whether cats would be allowed to watch a cable channel devoted to dogs, he's earned that right.

So when Vin Scully wants to opine about, say, the origins of hashtags and whether cats would be allowed to watch a cable channel devoted to dogs, he's earned that right.

Via: Stephen Dunn / Getty Images

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