The 13 Most Badass Periodic Elements

You don't want to meet these mofos in a dark alley.

Iridium (Ir) - #77

Iridium (Ir) - #77

Why it's badass: This sweet-ass bad boy is the second densest element AND the most corrosive-resistant. That's right: iridium is so suave, it can't be affected by water, chemicals or acids. One of the rarest elements in the earth's crust, it likely comprised part of the meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Its platinum-like exterior is as flinty as the cool steel in its heart.

Badass power ranking: 13. Steve McQueen getting a prison tattoo.


Curium (Cm) - #96

Curium (Cm) - #96

Why it's badass: Hey, what are you up to, curium? "Oh, just GLOWING IN THE DARK because I'm so radioactive." This element, named after Marie Curie, is made by bombarding plutonium with helium ions. It's so dangerous that it's rarely created on earth, although Mars rovers had it in their xray spectrometers.

Badass power ranking: 12. That high school bully who took your lunch and made you cry.


Krypton (Kr) - #36

Krypton (Kr) - #36

Why it's badass: Krypton is a noble gas that makes up LASERS and part of the atmosphere of Mars. It's white when cooled and solidified, but colorless, odorless and tasteless as a gas.

Badass power ranking: 11, like Chuck Norris with a hangnail.


Francium (Fr) - #87

Francium (Fr) - #87

Why it's badass: Francium only has a half life of only about 10 minutes and exists only as single atoms which suddenly appear like soap bubbles and then vanish just as quickly. When the MCs come in its face it's like mace, 'cause francium backs them off with the quills.

Ranking: 10. Always carries nunchucks.


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