TAB: Jessica Simpson’s Fall Wedding Will Be “Nightmare” Due To Parents’ Divorce

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“With her wedding date finally set for September, Jessica Simpson is facing a major family drama that has cast a shadow over her marriage plans,” begins a piece from OK!, which claims the star’s parents’ divorce is making her future wedding to Eric Johnson a “nightmare.”

A so-called “source” tells the mag that Tina and Joe Simpson are “in the middle of one of the most horrible divorces, and the tension between them is awful.”

The purported “insider” says, “It’s causing huge problems for Jessica, who is tearing herself apart trying to arrange this wedding.”

“Jessica knows her mom and dad will butt heads on her wedding day,” reveals the supposed pal, who adds, “But she’s got no choice. They both have to be there, and they’re just going to have to get on with it.”

Ooh, tell us more!

The tab goes on to allege that Simpson’s wedding stress has gotten so bad that it could affect her and her unborn baby’s health.

The so-called “source” says, “She’s having sleepless nights over it. Eric’s worried she’s not relaxing enough, and at this stage in her pregnancy, she really has to watch her blood pressure.”


Considering how many times many times OK! has been laughably WRONG about Simpson’s nuptials in the past, it’s simply hilarious that the mag is still pretending it knows what’s going on in the star’s personal life.

As Gossip Cop has told you over and over again, Simpson and Johnson do NOT have a wedding date set.

And when the pair does decide to tie the knot, we can assure you there will be no Jerry Springer-style throwdown between Tina and Joe Simpson, whom we hear are getting along fine post-split.

In any case, a source close to the family tells us the tab’s tale is entirely “not true.”

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