Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders “Reunion” Made Up By HollywoodLife

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The bottom feeding scavengers at HollywoodLife are at it again.

Jay Penske’s comically misguided webloid has been (willingly) duped by conspiracy theorists who believe paparazzi photos of Kristen Stewart from over the weekend show a possible reunion with Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders.

“Rupert Sanders looks like he is still lusting for Kristen Stewart!” shrieks the blog, using its time-honored strategy of fabricating stories to manufacture outrage.

So what’s all this about, anyway?

“The same day that Robert Pattinson was seen leaving California, Kristen was spotted getting into a car with a man who looks exactly like Rupert,” explains HollywoodLife.

The site says the Twilight actress went to dinner with friends as Malo Taqueria in Los Angeles “on April 21.”


The dinner actually happened on Friday, April 19 — but facts have no place in a HollywoodLife story.

The blog wants people to think this dinner happened after Pattinson flew out of the city, behind his back.

That’s totally false.

In fact, the people who accompanied Stewart to the dinner are Pattinson’s friends.

But HollywoodLife is far from done creating a fake scandal out of thin air.

The webloid claims Stewart was “seen getting into what looks like Rupert’s car.”


To illustrate its point, HollywoodLife shows an inset picture of Sanders’ vehicle — which looks nothing like the car Stewart entered on Friday.

Then HollywoodLife insists a “man who looks exactly like Rupert” was in the car.

Um… that is not Rupert Sanders — period, end of story.

Here’s HollywoodLife’s version of events: Kristen Stewart went out with her girlfriends on Monday, after Robert Pattinson was out of Los Angeles, and met up with Rupert Sanders in his car.

Here’s reality: Kristen Stewart went out with a group including Robert Pattinson’s friends on Friday, before he left Los Angeles, and then left without anyone even resembling Rupert Sanders.

When we double-checked with a source close to Stewart about this latest absurdity, the person literally laughed at HollywoodLife.

How could anyone not at this point?

For years, HollywoodLife has misled and misinformed its readers about Stewart and Pattinson.

The amateurish scandal mongers have goofed dozens of times in 2013 alone, including:

- Falsely linking Stewart to a “mystery man.”

- Falsely linking Stewart to co-star Jim Sturgess.

- Falsely linking Pattinson to a secret “lover.”

- Falsely linking Pattinson to a “mystery” blonde.

- Falsely claiming Pattinson ruined Stewart’s Oscar night.

And countless others too dumb, sensational, contradictory, or outright  to mention.

If another clueless webloid hadn’t ridiculously declared Stewart “racist” earlier on Monday, HollywoodLife’s latest abomination would be the worst story of the day.

The site remains a scandal-crazed, facts-poor joke.

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson at Coachella — CLICK HERE FOR PHOTOS!

NOTE: The discourse in the comments section on recent stories about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart has occasionally sunk to nasty personal attacks and ugly language that adds little to the conversation. We’d like our site to be a place where people can show passion while still being civil. Please be respectful of fellow commenters. Also, spamming is NOT allowed.

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