Jessica Simpson and Nicole Richie Squaring Off In “MILF War”?

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Just weeks into the second season of “Fashion Star,” “the claws are already out between mentors Jessica Simpson and Nicole Richie!” declares Star.

A so-called “insider” for the tabloid says, “Jessica and Nicole despise each other. Nicole thinks Jessica is a classless idiot and Jess says Nicole is the most stuck-up, egocentric person ever.”

An on-set “spy” for Star claims the crew has dubbed the alleged feud “The MILF War.”

“Both of them want to be the hottest mom,” explains the tab’s source.

Well, that’s as ridiculous as it is sounds.

Regardless, the Star tipster also notes, “Nicole is a fashion elitist and designs clothes for the rich and famous and smirks about being classier than Jessica. It’s sad because they are both talented designers!”


Star said there were problems between the two more than a year ago — and it simply was not true.

Both Richie and Simpson returned for another season, and have been getting along perfectly well on set.

But Star wanted to use the phrase “MILF War,” so here we are.

A source close to Simpson laughed off the latest rumor of trouble, telling Gossip Cop it’s “not true.”

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