Donald Trump Ad Comparing Wind Farms To Terrorism Banned

Trump desperately wants a golf resort on the Scottish coast, and he doesn't want wind turbines spoiling “the beauty of the country.”

The man in the ad is Alex Salmond, First Minister of Scotland. Salmond is backing his country's wind power initiative.

Trump's ads (part of a second one, below), which started running in Scottish newspapers last December, point out that Salmond "is the same mind that backed the release of terrorist (Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed) al-Megrahi...after he ruthlessly killed 270 people on Pan-Am flight 103 over Lockerbie (the mid-air bombing happened in 1988).

The Advertising Standards Authority has received 21 complaints so far about the ads. Tomorrow, they will deliver their ruling, which will state that the claim tourism would suffer "could not be substantiated," while the picture of California wind farms was "misleading." On both counts Trump has broken advertising rules, and the ASA has banned the adverts from appearing again.
It told Trump "not to make claims unless they could be substantiated with robust evidence and not to use misleading imagery."

It's a moot point, as The Donald has since lost his battle with the wind farm project — which he says will ruin the golfers' views of the North Sea.

Rich loud Americans wearing even louder pants are going to much more of an eyesore to the Scottish countryside.

Rich loud Americans wearing even louder pants are going to much more of an eyesore to the Scottish countryside.

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