Truth rating: 10
12:29 pm, April 30th, 2013

(Vanity Fair)
Brad Pitt is on Vanity Fair’s June cover, and the accompanying story highlights just how troubled his upcoming World War Z was throughout production.
The screenwriter Damon Lindelof tells the magazine Pitt’s zombie epic was a real passion project.
“He took me through how excited he was when he read the book, what was exciting for him, the geopolitical aspect of it,” says Lindelof.
But Pitt is said to have explained, “We started shooting the thing before we locked down how it was going to end up, and it didn’t turn out the way we wanted it to.”
According to director Marc Foster and studio executives, the budget soared to $200 million as problems on set and with the script led to 40 minutes of the film being reshot to get a more comprehensible ending.
Vanity Fair reports that when the director’s cut was first screened, the room was “silent.”
“It was, like, Wow. The ending of our movie doesn’t work. I believed in that moment we needed to reshoot the movie,” says one Paramount executive.
An entire 12-minute Russian battle scene was thrown out as the World War Z team scrambled to create an improved ending to the film.
The movie ultimately got made despite cost overruns and problems that one executive described as a “nightmare.”
See more from the Vanity Fair article here.
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