Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Secretly Married in Secret Wedding, Announces Tab

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Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are married, claims OK!, owners of a long, dreadful track record when it comes to reporting on the couple.

The same publication that said Jolie and Pitt were “secretly married” two years ago is at it again, pretending to have the scoop about how the stars “fooled everyone” and tied the knot without anyone knowing.

It’s all bogus.

According to OK!, Jolie and Pitt “said their vows with a small sunset commitment ceremony at their L.A. mansion.”

A “pal” tells the magazine, “It was incredibly emotional and there wasn’t a dry eye in the place.”

“Brad and Angelina both wanted to do something for their family and no one else,” explains the tab’s source. “They were desperate to keep the ceremony private — one tiny leak would have meant media chaos. They took great care to fool everyone by sneaking in the bulk of the flowers, booze, food and decorations after dark.”

OK! goes on to include plenty of fake details about the alleged secret ceremony, including stuff about Jolie’s dress, the children, the vows, the gifts, and more.

Curiously, the magazine never mentions when this all supposedly happened, and says that “official nuptials” are still to come later this year.


So the couple supposedly took pains to make sure nothing leaked to the media, and OK! (of all places) knew about it?!


In other words, for seemingly the 500th time, OK! put Jolie and Pitt on the cover with an alleged wedding scoop, ignoring its own previous cover stories, and generally ensuring that no one should treat the latest version as anything more than fan fiction.

But outlets are already picking up the phony report, so allow Gossip Cop to clarify: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are still NOT married.

When the couple does eventually tie the knot, we’ll have coverage.

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