Why Is Urban Outfitters Bringing Back The WORST Of The ’80s And ’90s?

Oh do we ever have answers.

Because they really want to see you fall.

Bee-tee-dubs, these also light up a la L.A. Gear and only cost $180.00.

Because they really want to see you fall.

Source: urbanoutfitters.com

Because when you wear these earrings, your hair and your troll doll's hair will become one.

Because when you wear these earrings, your hair and your troll doll's hair will become one.

Source: urbanoutfitters.com

Because you'd love to pay five times the amount you originally paid for the sweatshirt you bought at Wal-Mart and wore every day of third grade.

Because you'd love to pay five times the amount you originally paid for the sweatshirt you bought at Wal-Mart and wore every day of third grade.

Source: urbanoutfitters.com

Because this is actually highbrow, right? Like, a concept shirt based on your childhood sheets. It's almost Warholian.

Because this is actually highbrow, right? Like, a concept shirt based on your childhood sheets. It's almost Warholian.

Source: urbanoutfitters.com

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