Ralph Reed Says Science Shows Biological Parents Are The Best

“It’s not even a close call,” Christian conservative leader says.

Image by Win McNamee / Getty Images

WASHINGTON — The chairman of the Faith and Freedom coalition, Ralph Reed, argued that LGBT, adoptive, single parents and foster parents are less capable of properly raising children than their biological parents Sunday on Meet the Press.

During his Meet the Press appearance, Reed, who is one of the original architects of the culture wars of the 1990s and remains one of the leaders of the social conservative movement in the United States, said, "The verdict of social science is overwhelming and irrefutable, and that is without regards to straight or gay," that biological, two-parent homes are the best environment for children.

"This applies to one-parent households, this applies to foster homes, it applies to the whole panoply, they've looked at them all," Reed said, adding that "the enduring, loving intact biological mother and father is best for children and it's not even a close call."

Reed's comments come as the Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act and California's Prop 8, both of which place limits on the recognition of same-sex couples' relationships.

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