Man Jumps Into A Freezing River To Save Two Awesome Dogs

Your hero of the day.

Image by Rachel Sonnenshine |

BANGOR TOWNSHIP, Mich. — On Monday afternoon, March 11, Scott Garrison was working his shift as a bartender when one of his coworkers saw two dogs walking on the frozen Kawkawlin River near the Castaways bar.

Garrison related the story to Cole Waterman of MLive "We were inside working and one of the girls I work with noticed a couple of dogs out roaming around on the river," Garrison said. "All of the sudden, she said, 'Oh my God, one fell in.' Basically, I just ran out the door and ran down to the bridge there that goes over the river. By the time I was just getting to the other side of the river, both dogs were in the water. They were kind of bobbing up and down and struggling, so I just jumped in."

Image by Rachel Sonnenshine |

After a dramatic struggle with the dogs trapped in the icy river, Garrison was able to hoist them out of the water and save their lives. He called the Bay County Animal Control, and stayed with the dogs until they showed up. "I just waited there with them until Animal Control came," he said. "I rubbed and petted them and made sure they were OK. They were OK, but they were definitely freaked out." After the dogs were picked up, Garrison changed clothes and went back to the bar to finish his shift. Animal control was eventually able to reunite the lost dogs with their grateful owner.

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