It's called Chrono Jigga .
Jay-Z's 2003 "retirement" record The Black Album launched a thousand remixes. Most famously there was the Grey Album, the Beatles/Jay hybrid that turned Danger Mouse into a star. Then came a host of other mashups, some good, some mediocre, some abysmal: the Black and Blue album (Jay + Weezer), the Double Black Album (Jay + Metallica), the Slack Album (Jay + Pavement).
Finally, almost a decade after the Black Album, there is a Jay-Z remix record to unite the enormous video game dorks and the enormous rap dorks (all five of us).
It's a mashup of Jay-Z rapping and the soundtrack to Chrono Trigger, the seminal Super Nintendo game. You can listen to it at the blog of the producer, 2 Mello.
LINK: Chrono Jigga