CLAIM: Selena Gomez Will Run Back to Justin Bieber If Spring Breakers Flops

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Every time we think HollywoodLife can’t get any worse, the webloid surprises us in new and ridiculous ways.

Jay Penske’s logic-challenged site now claims, “Selena Gomez Will Take Justin Bieber Back If Spring Breakers Flops.”


According to the blog’s “exclusive” report, Gomez’s “self-esteem might be extremely low” if her upcoming movie does poorly, which could lead her to “turn back to the Biebs in her time of trouble.”

A so-called “source” dredged up by HollywoodLife explains, “Selena loved being in the celebrity sene when she was with Justin, it was just a completely different level.”

If Spring Breakers underperforms, adds the webloid’s source, Gomez will be “back to the drawing board.”

“Feeling down in the dumps like this could open the door for a reconciliation with Justin,” says HollywoodLife.

This is seriously what now passes for a post on HollywoodLife.

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the sloppy blog’s recent “reporting” about Bieber and Gomez.

HollywoodLife falsely speculated that Bieber was dating a “mystery brunette,” wrongly insisted that Taylor Swift wrote “22″ about him, and made up a romance between Gomez and Josh Hutcherson.

These recent flops, of course, are just the latest examples of the site’s years-long butchering of the Gomez-Bieber story, during which HollywoodLife has proven itself to be incapable of doing much beyond gross sensationalism and wrongheaded speculation.

It’s sad that a site claiming to be about “celebrity news” is so embarrassingly clueless about some of the world’s biggest celebrities.

In any case, this newest “story” is just more evidence that HollywoodLife will print just about anything to get attention.

Selena Gomez was famous way, way before she and Justin Bieber began dating.

That’s reality, which is why it must seem foreign to HollywoodLife.

Even more importantly, how insulting is it to women that HollywoodLife assumes that IF Gomez’s new movie fails to become a hit, she’ll immediately run back into the arms of her ex-boyfriend in order to cope?

It’s this kind of nonsense that’s made the site an unreliable mess of spin and empty theorizing.

A source close to Gomez tells Gossip Cop the HollywoodLife report is “way off base.”

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