Truth rating: 0
11:46 am, March 31st, 2013

“Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have been inseparable since his return to Los Angeles from 64 days filming in the Australian outback — but that all seems to have changed this weekend,” begins a piece from RadarOnline, which again is trying to rile up controversy.
The webloid notes that Pattinson was at the Hollywood hangout Teddy’s early Saturday morning, but Stewart “was nowhere in sight.”
RadarOnline then quotes a so-called “eyewitness” as saying, “There were a bunch of gorgeous models standing around him, but he looked disinterested in them. He was sitting with another male friend. He almost seemed timid and shy.”
OK, so Pattinson spent a little time away from Stewart with a “male friend,” and there happened to be “models” inside the same popular Hollywood lounge.
Rather than having any concrete evidence of trouble between Pattinson and Stewart these days, RadarOnline instead strung together a bunch of totally unrelated things to give the impression that there may be problems.
The only problem here, however, is the webloid’s lack of reporting.
Of course, RadarOnline has been wrong OVER and OVER about the couple, and is just using these moments when they aren’t together to bolster its previous bogus claim that Pattinson wants “space” from Stewart.
Gossip Cop is told this latest report is “garbage,” and “has nothing to do with anything… It’s just a lame attempt to stir the pot.”
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Reunite — CLICK HERE FOR PHOTO!
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