We have seen floorplans of TV shows , but there are apartments that you could rent/buy if you really wanted them.
Sex and the City – Carrie's Apartment – $9.85 Million
Carrie Bradshaw's character claimed to pay $750 per month for her place, the 9.85 million price is four stories and five bedrooms.
John Madden’s NYC apartment – $3.9 Million
A 2,000 square foot two-bed apartment previously owned by Gilda Radner and also is the same building that John Lennon lived in and died in front of. Good luck with that sale.
Via: ny.curbed.com
Jerry Seinfeld’s Apartment – $574,550
Jerry Seinfeld’s apartment was New York, the actual building shown from cut scenes and commercials is in LA.
Via: voteprime
Mad Men – Don Drapers City Pad – $769,000
In 1960 this apartment would have cost a few hundred per month.. it will now set you back some greenbacks to purchase a one bedroom apartment.
Via: gothamist.com