21 Words You Probably Forgot Are Short For Something

Don't get me wrong — abbreviations are THE BEST, but sometimes they make us forget things that are even more awesome. Like, why would anyone ever want to stop saying “cabriolet”?

Taxicab = Taximeter + Cabriolet

Taxicab = Taximeter + Cabriolet

Source: upload.wikimedia.org

Emoticon = Emotive (emotion) Icon

Emoticon = Emotive (emotion) Icon

Emoticons can be traced back to 19th century satirists, but the contemporary digital emoticon was credited in 1982 to Scott Fahlman of Carnegie Mellon University.

Source: mashable.com  /  via: todayifoundout.com

Car = Carriage

Car = Carriage

Source: shutupimtalking.com

Smog = Smoke + Fog

Smog = Smoke + Fog

Source: cheezburger.com

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