20 Awesome Examples Of Literary Graffiti

Thank you, graffiti artists, for making our streets a little bit smarter. How many of these literary references do you recognize?

Kurt Vonnegut, "Slaughterhouse Five"

Kurt Vonnegut, "Slaughterhouse Five"

Via: divianarts.com

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "The Little Prince"

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "The Little Prince"

Source: mes-hautes-montagnes.com

T.S. Eliot, "The Wasteland"

T.S. Eliot, "The Wasteland"

Eliot took the line "Sweet Thames, run softly, till I end my song" from Edmund Spenser's Prothalamion. And yes, that is the Thames.

Source: rosetintdesign.com

F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby"

F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby"

Source: flickr.com

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