Truth rating: 10
10:17 pm, February 12th, 2013
Many celebs tuned in for President Obama’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday night, sharing their thoughts on Twitter as they watched.
The President’s speech elicited some strong reactions, including a few humorous ones.
See what the stars said here!
Jay Leno: At the #SOTU tonight, when the President walked into the chamber, instead of ‘Hail to the Chief’ they played ‘Hey Big Spender.’ #LenoMono
Carson Daly: SOTU now on all local LA channels…..bullsh*t. Thank God for social media. I’m flying blind now on Dorner via traditional media.
Katie Couric: Watching and still love the ritual of this night! #SOTU
Marlee Matlin: Time for State of the Union. Warm bipartisan reception for the First Lady.
Jesse Tyler Ferguson: It looks line Joe Biden keeps looking at Barack’s picture and resume. Tap, ballet AND jazz? #SOTU13
Patton Oswalt: I hope Obama exits this speech riding on a small drone like The Green Goblin. #pumpkinbombs #SOTU
Ronan Farrow: Is this the part where Barack Obama turns out to be a socialist? Because I’m digging it. #SOTU
Clay Aiken: Is it just me, or does Speaker Boehner look like he’s in a waiting room waiting for a vasectomy? #SOTU
Lena Dunham: So sorry, can’t watch the State Of The Union right now because I am trying to get some old yogurt out of my room
Mia Farrow: “I propose -to make high-quality pre-school available to every child in America.” -President Obama #SOTU YES!!!
Crystal Hefner: Watching Obama’s #stateoftheunion
Sean Hannity: Obama is a broken record: “balanced approach, fair share…balanced approach, fair share” #POTUS #SOTU2013
Adam McKay: Good for President for hitting climate change hard. In a way it’s the only issue that matters. #StateOfTheUnion
Bette Midler: Watching State of Union Speech. Could John Boehner look any more sour?
Chris Colfer: I am so happy those women wiped that lipstick off the President’s cheek! Could you imagine if he had that on during his whole speech? #SOTU
Adam Shankman: So scared of Boehner now… #iflookscouldkill also, he may be mad because he is the same color as his leather chair.
Bryan Greenberg: John Boehner could at least try to look like he wants to be there. #SOTU
Arianna Huffington: ” by the end of next year, our war in Afghanistan will be over.” // Why wait? #SOTU
Holly Robinson Peete: Why is equal pay for women not something both sides stand up for? #confusing #StateOfTheUnion
Dane Cook: Boehner looks like how Darth Vader always stares at people underneath his mask. #SOTU
Rachelle Lefevre: What makes you a man isn’t the ability to conceive a child but having the courage to raise one.” President Obama #stateoftheunion
Maria Shriver: Fascinating body language on display from members of Congress as the president gives #SOTU. We are one country, right?
Christopher Gorham: “Dad, one of my dreams is to meet @BarackObama . Dad, can I change the channel?” -my son
Christy Turlington: “Empowering our women and insuring an AIDS free generation”- @BarackObama “US must remain a beacon.” @everymomcounts
Al Gore: The President’s call to put a price on carbon pollution and solve the climate crisis was bold and meaningful. We must act now. #sotu
LeVar Burton: I don’t care to listen to the post mortum or re-buttle. I know what I heard! #SOTU
Ricky Martin: Dont understand why some women @ the #stateoftheunion wouldn’t stand up &applaud when the president talks about “The Paycheck fairness act”
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