Big, big win for #TeamDog. Nice footprints, CAT.
Image by Emir O. Filipovic courtesy of The Atlantic
Introducing Florida's "designated texter" campaign. - [Betabeat]
How not to be a dick to your older friends. - [XOJane]
Did you know that you can navigate from any web page to any other web page in 19 clicks or less? - [TheWeek]
Behold the average porn star. - [HuffPostWeirdNews]
8 of the most delicious international snacks in existence. - [Guyism]
10 of music's weirdest sources for samples. - [Flavorwire]
Louis Gossett Jr.'s post-Oscar heartbreak. - [TheRoot]
What do models really get paid for Fashion Week? - [Refinery29]
An interactive analysis of Tolkien's works. - []
Headline Story: A cat walked its inky paws across this book a very, VERY long time ago. - [TheAtlantic]