Truth rating: 0
11:15 pm, February 12th, 2013
“Chris Brown Gets A Verbal BEATDOWN From Adele?!?” blares yet another reckless headline from Perez Hilton.
The bad blogger goes on to write that “when Chris Brown showcased his best sore-loser attitude during Frank Ocean’s win at the 2013 Grammys, the regal Adele reportedly LOST her SH*T!”
As seen on TV, Brown remained seated while other audience members gave Ocean a standing ovation, but according to Perez, “Adele, who was sitting nearby, supposedly went off on Rihanna’s boo over his lack of manners!”
“As you can see in the photo above, she’s definitely VERY ANIMATED with a timid-looking Breez to say the least!” continues the bogus journalist. ”And cameras captured it all!”
RELATED – Pic: Adele and Chris Brown Pose Backstage at the Grammys
Ah, yes, a picture taken during a split-second in time is Perez’s only piece of evidence to support his claim that Brown received “a verbal beatdown.”
In fact, the sensationalist even notes that with no, uh, “magical audio fairy… we’ll never be 100% sure as to what she said in that fiery conversation.”
Of course, that didn’t stop Perez from irresponsibly posting the story and shamelessly speculating anyway, even though he clearly had NO IDEA as to what actually transpired.
But for facts-challenged bloggers everywhere, Adele has now set the record straight.
“Chris Brown and I were complimenting each other in that photo actually!” she tweeted Tuesday night.
Case closed.
See MORE PHOTOS of Adele at the Grammys HERE!
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