20 Things That Made You Feel Like A Total B.A.M.F. In Elementary School

Your coolness peaked in grades K-6. Here's a look back at your finest moments.

Mom packing you pizza Lunchables instead of the usual smushed PB&J.

Mom packing you pizza Lunchables instead of the usual smushed PB&J.

All the kids with the cracker stackers Lunchables looked like chumps next to you, because there was something indescribably cool about uncooked pizza in grade school.

Via: dionlabel.com

Wearing your light-up shoes to school.

Wearing your light-up shoes to school.

You begged your mom to buy them for you because you thought they'd help you run faster, but all they really did was ruin your chances of ever winning a game of manhunt.

Via: peteneems

Passing the handwriting test and getting to write in pen.

Passing the handwriting test and getting to write in pen.

Except you couldn't handle the responsibility of the most permanent writing utensil so you bought a pack of erasable pens (or smearable pens, as they should have been called).

Via: ebay.com

The teacher using your name in a test example.

The teacher using your name in a test example.

And you looking around the room to see if anyone else noticed. They did.

Via: tinypic.com

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