18 Things Hugh Hefner Has Taught Us About Relationships

The famous octogenarian has had more conquests than most. Lucky for everyone, he's an open book.

Don't get married just because it's the thing to do.

Don't get married just because it's the thing to do.

Hefner married his first wife Millie because, in his own words, “It was simply the thing that you did," reported Steven Watts in Mr. Playboy: Hugh Hefner and the American Dream.

Source: youtube.com

Sleep with your sister-in-law to keep things interesting.

Sleep with your sister-in-law to keep things interesting.

After dabbling in some light swinging, Hefner and Millie attempted to switch partners with his brother Keith. Millie decided not to, but Hefner ended up sleeping with Keith's wife Rae.

Image by Lucy Nicholson / Getty Images

You might think you're not into dudes, but you don't know until you try!

You might think you're not into dudes, but you don't know until you try!

Hefner once had a gay tryst: "Hefner's thirst for sexual experience became so strong that he even had a one-time homosexual experience," Watts writes. "One evening in downtown Chicago he was propositioned and, according to friend Eldon Sellers, he 'thought, what the hell. Found it an interesting experience. As far as I know, the guy just gave him [oral sex].' "

Source: pinkisthenewblog.com

Stay married for the kids.

Stay married for the kids.

Hugh's longest marriage was to Kimberley Conrad, with whom he had two sons. They separated after nine years together but stayed married until 2010. "I would've been happy to divorce her when we separated, but she wanted to remain married for our boys," Hefner said.

Image by Getty Images

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