2:17 pm, January 14th, 2013
VIDEOAs Gossip Cop reported from backstage at the Golden Globes on Sunday, Quentin Tarantino used the N-word while speaking to the press about the loaded term’s controversial use in Django Unchained, for which he won Best Original Screenplay.
There’s now video (below) of the moment, which occurred after a reporter asked the writer-director about the racial epithet.
“If somebody is out there actually saying when it comes to the word n**ger, [that] I was using it in the movie more than it was used back in the antebellum South, in Mississippi, in 1858… then feel free to make that case [against its use in the film],” said Tarantino. “But no one’s actually making that case.”
Tarantino explained that not using the N-word would be to “lie” and “whitewash” the history of the era captured in Django Unchained.
Check out the video below and tell us what you think.
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