Move over Rihanna, Sweet Brown has you beat.
Long ago, last year, Sweet Brown gained worldwide fame for "not having time for that". If you love her as much as I do, then I have good news for you: she's on Instagram, and she is very, very funny.
Her captions are the best, and you should definitely follow her here.
For reference:
1. She either tags things #igotstimeforthat
2. Or #aintnobodygottimeforthat
3. She calls her fans "Sweet Brownies"
This is her and a skull:
#Aintnobodygottimefahdis prehistoric thang! Lol!
She says "Klawd Have Mercy" a lot:
Klawd Have Mercy!!!! She didn't grab no pants or nothing Jesus! #aintnobodygottimeforthat @mssnita
This is her and some homeless person on the street:
I love all my #sweetbrownies maybe that little bit will help her get some help for her multiple personalities and bronchitis, Jesus!