Matt Dallas comes out as gay

LOS ANGELES ( - Matt Dallas appeared to come out of the closet on Sunday night. The star of the former ABC Family series "Kyle XY" (2006-2009) said on his Twitteraccount that he was engaged to marry his boyfriend musician Blue Hamilton.

In addition to a picture of Hamilton lounging on a couch with a dog, Dallas tweeted the following: "Starting off the year with a new fiancé, @bluehamilton. A great way to kick off 2013!"

Dallas' publicist did not immediately respond to TheWrap's requests for comment.

The actor does not appear to have commented publicly on his sexuality before, but the gay news blog "After Elton" reports that Dallas was the target of Perez Hilton, who openly speculated about his sexual orientation. Hilton reportedly dubbed the star "Kyle KY," in reference to the lubricant.

Hilton did not immediately respond to an email requesting comment on Dallas' announcement.

Dallas' tweet follows a string of similar low-key announcements by the likes of Frank Ocean, Zachary Quinto and Jim Parsons, who said they were gay or had relationships with men in personal blogs or as a casual aside in interviews. This trend is a sign of shifting attitudes towards homosexuality. It is in marked contrast to the media-blitz that greeted Ellen DeGeneres more than a decade ago when she announced on the cover of Time that she was a lesbian.

In addition to the supernatural show "Kyle XY," Dallas appeared on the 2009 TV series "Eastwick" and recently joined the cast of ABC Family's "Baby Daddy."

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