Leonardo DiCaprio Threw Fit Over New Year’s Eve Club Appearance In Sydney?

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(The Sun)

Leonardo DiCaprio allegedly threw a fit over a personal appearance on New Year’s Eve, according to The Sun.

The paper claims the actor had been hired to party at Marquee in Sydney, Australia, but “wasn’t happy about his payment for the night and demanded to leave after just ten minutes.”

DiCaprio was supposedly “overheard” by The Sun shouting, “Do you think I want to be here? I left my family at home for this. We have a contract.”

The outlet alleges that club bosses “told the star that he wouldn’t get paid unless he stayed for an extra ten minutes,” but that DiCaprio cut his evening short anyway.

Except… this supposed club drama never happened, and The Sun should really, really look into getting more reliable DiCaprio “sources.”

The story is “100 percent false on all accounts,” a source close to the situation tells Gossip Cop.

We’re assured DiCaprio stayed at Marquee past midnight, and there was absolutely no argument between the actor and club management.

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