How To Date Anywhere In The Country

Find out what food to suggest in New York, where to take a date in Seattle, and how to make a drinks date more attractive.

HowAboutWe, the dating site that lets users suggest a specific date (ie, bowling and cupcakes) and find someone to share it with them, analyzed over a million date suggestions posted between January 2010 and September 2012, and compiled the above infographic. Explore for tips on which activities, foods, and tactics have the highest success rates across the country. A few highlights from the research:

• Volunteering dates get a higher response rate than other suggestions; they're also more popular in winter.

• Drinking dates that mention a specific type of alcohol get three times more responses than those that just suggest "a drink."

• If you want a coffee date, suggest something else too — dates that pair coffee with another activity (volunteering, perhaps) get four times as many responses as coffee-only suggestions.

• West Coasters are into breakfast or brunch dates; Easterners prefer dessert.

• The most popular date suggestion in Seattle is rock climbing.

• In Vegas, it's painting or drawing together.

• Board games are surprisingly popular, topping the list of date activities in St. Louis, Austin, and Orlando.

• Frozen yogurt is also big — it's the most popular date food in Seattle, San Francisco, and New York.

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