‘Grey’s Anatomy’: Will April Move on From Jackson? Shonda Rhimes, Sarah Drew, Jesse Williams Weigh In

Grey's Anatomy Bruening Drew Williams Split - H 2013


"Grey's Anatomy's" Justin Bruening, Sarah Drew and Jesse Williams

Is April moving on from her fling-turned-romance with Jackson on ABC's Grey's Anatomy?

During last week's episode of the Shonda Rhimes medical drama, April (Sarah Drew) caught the eye of a very handsome paramedic named Matthew (Ringer's Justin Bruening) -- who proceeded to shock Seattle Grace's most neurotic doc when he asked her out for coffee.

"She's pleasantly surprised to have somebody take an interest in her," Drew told The Hollywood Reporter during a recent visit to the Hollywood set. "I'm not sure that she's looking for anything serious right now. It catches her a little off-guard."

STORY: 'Grey's Anatomy' Postmortem: Sarah Drew and Jesse Williams Talk April and Jackson's Future

Indeed, as it's still unclear if April has really moved on from her romantic feelings for Jackson (Jesse Williams) -- even after the sting of learning that he's sleeping with intern Stephanie (Jerrika Hinton).

"I like Jackson and April together a lot," Rhimes confessed. "It was clear to me when they broke up that it felt like Jackson really liked April. When they broke up, April seemed so relievedthat she wasn't pregnant and that they didn't have to get married and Jackson was very hurt."

"That was the moment when you saw how Jackson really felt about April: he was all in and she wasn't," she says. "It's going to be very interesting to see how Jackson feels about the fact that she's dating someone else now. He does seem to be having a fling with Stephanie, who's funny and delightful in her own right, and we'll see what that ends up meaning."

Despite his now regular romps with Stephanie, Jackson has showed signs that he has feelings for April, who will now make it her mission to help save the ER as Seattle Grace faces cutbacks in the wake of the plane crash settlement.

STORY: 'Grey's Anatomy' Postmortem: Can Seattle Grace Be Saved?

"We've seen immature reactions, we've seen people lashing out, people acting in the moment," Williams tells THR of how both Jackson and April have handled each other since their abrupt split. "We have played out a couple scenes after we've decided to stop dealing with each other a contentious way -- instead opting for a mature, nurturing way where we really care for each other. It would be interesting to go to the other side and recede back an adolescent resentment. It could be natural and fun or it could set us back. It really matters what he sees, when he sees it and how much time he has to assemble a response."

What would you like to see for Jackson and April? Are you curious to see April with another guy? Hit the comments with your thoughts. Grey's Anatomy airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on ABC.

Email: Lesley.Goldberg@thr.com; Twitter: @Snoodit

Lesley Goldberg