Truth rating: 0
7:23 pm, January 30th, 2013
Kris and Bruce Jenner are in crisis, says Star, which claims to have a “Divorce Bombshell” about the reality TV power couple.
According to the magazine, Bruce is “emasculated and alone” and has allegedly ramped up his push to “get out of his miserable marriage — but Kris won’t go down without a fight.”
“Kris and Bruce can’t stand each other, but she refuses to let him out of the marriage because it would seriously damage their brand,” a so-called “insider” informs Star.
The tab source adds, “He’s starting to fight back, though. He’s made it clear that he wants a divorce — and that he can make just as many threats against her as she’s been making against him.”
Star claims “new details” about the couple’s 21-year marriage “paint the union as a sham.”
The tabloid insists the Jenners’ sex life has ground to a complete halt, and that Bruce is convinced Kris has been cheating on him.
Meanwhile, according to a Star source, “She constantly yells at him, calls him terrible names, [and] makes jokes about how ugly she thinks he is.”
RELATED – Kris Jenner Slams the Tabloids: “Enough With the Lies” (VIDEO)
The magazine says it goes beyond mere insults.
“They had a huge screaming fight once, where Bruce accused her of cheating on him, and Kris didn’t deny it one bit,” says the Star source. “She was toying with his emotions, even subtly hinting that Kylie might not be his.”
Star says Bruce “has just cause to serve Kris with divorce papers, and insiders say he has met with lawyers to discuss the prospect.”
But he’s supposedly facing a problem.
The magazine explains that Kris “seems to be holding all the cards,” allegedly “threatening to expose Bruce as a cross-dresser if he tries to leave her!”
According to Star, there are “other skeletons in Bruce’s closet that Kris is holding over his head, too,” and the family patriarch would also take a “massive financial blow” by getting divorced.
In other words, the magazine has set up a scenario in which Bruce is supposedly desperate to divorce… but nothing will actually happen.
How very convenient for the scandal-starved Star, which has spent weeks propping up a bogus Jenner divorce narrative, even dragging the couple’s underage daughters into the mix.
The tabloid has been wrong from the start, and the streak continues.
Its new cover story is ”ridiculous,” a source close to the Jenners tells Gossip Cop.
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