46 Penny-Pinching Ways To Save A Lot Of Money This Year

The little things really add up. Admit it: there's a small part of you that relates to the ladies on Extreme Couponing .

Make your own lotion soap.

Make your own lotion soap.

You can customize with different kinds of molds, food coloring, and scented essential oils. Get the directions here.

Source: myellowumbrella.blogspot.com

Don't leave soap sitting in water.

Don't leave soap sitting in water.

It will dissolve 50% faster.

Make your own liquid hand wash from a bar of soap.

Make your own liquid hand wash from a bar of soap.

Get the directions here.

For foaming hand wash, re-fill the foaming dispenser with a mixture of one part dish soap (or body wash) and three parts water.

Source: bonnieprojects.blogspot.com

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