23 Unknowable Mysteries About Drinking Straws

You think you know. But you don't know.

Why are the McDonald's straws SO wide?

Why are the McDonald's straws SO wide?

Look how hard you're making it for poor Alan Rickman to get his mouth around this straw.

Source: Courtesy of Revolution Films

How do you wash these?

How do you wash these?

Seems kind of unsanitary, right? You can't really wash them, just rinse them out with water.

Source: totalmerchandise

Why do bodegas insist on giving you a straw and bag for a soda you're clearly going to drink immediately?

Why do bodegas insist on giving you a straw and bag for a soda you're clearly going to drink immediately?

Source: asmysunrise

Wouldn't these trendy new cardboard straws get all damp and gross?

Wouldn't these trendy new cardboard straws get all damp and gross?

Source: bumpsmitten.com

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