White House Petitioners Ask For Conversation On Gun Control

“Nobody's willing to start talking about this stuff, so I asked the White House if we could,” said one poster. One petition now has more than 6,200 signatures.

Via: petitions.whitehouse.gov

The White House petition platform, "We the People," now has postings for as many as three national petitions for a debate on gun control policy.

Following the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School Friday morning that left at least 26 dead, White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters at a press briefing that "today is not the day" to engage in a policy debate over gun control.

But the petitions posted on "We the People" call for President Obama to "immediately address the issue of gun control through the introduction of legislation in Congress," reads one.

Another asks that the White House "set a date and time to have a conversation about gun policy in the United States."

Daniel Schultz, a Daily Kos contributor, says he posted his petition because "nobody's willing to start talking about this stuff, so I asked the White House if we could," he told BuzzFeed. "That's all."

A total of 25,000 signatures on either petition will trigger the White House response threshold.

Update: One White House petition — calling on Obama to immediately "produce legislation that limits access to guns" — is picking up momentum. The appeal now has more than 6,200 signatures.

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