What Is Your Foolproof New Year’s Resolution?

Vowing to work out more is great and all, but how about something you know you can't fail at? Let's brainstorm, shall we?

Source: donthateliftweight

New Year's resolutions can be a great motivator, as long as they don't fail in a week. Let us propose a new concept: the foolproof New Year's resolution. A satisfying life change, but one you really can't fail at.

Do you vow to... rewatch all of Freaks and Geeks (it's only 18 episodes)? Do you vow to... hide all your annoying, ranting Facebook friends from your news feed? Do you vow to... Instagram more pictures of your cat?

Okay, let's brainstorm together. Add your foolproof resolution below!

Source: shyextrovert.com

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