Screen-Toucher / skrēn-təCH-er / Noun. An animal picture so cute that you actually bring your hand to your computer screen as if you could touch it. Synonyms: heart-exploders, squee-kers, cute-bombs.
Play this soundtrack while you scroll...
Lauryn Hill's "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You"
Okay, let's get started with this wallaby who was born albino
Start practicing your "aww"ing now, you're going to need it.
Image by Ina Fassbender / Reuters
In Berlin, a sable antelope (rappenantilope) licks her lips
She is anticipating all the cuteness yet to come.
Image by Sean Gallup / Getty Images
OK, look at this baby hippo
He looks all slick and shiny because that's just how baby hippos look. His tongue is sticking out because he just told a sassy joke.
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