The only thing to say is: “What were they thinking?”
Belvedere vodka.
March 2012.
The French hooch brand posted this knee-slapper of a rapey, forced blowjobby ad to their Facebook and Twitter pages, and then pulled it less than an hour later. First, They lamely half-apologized on Twitter. Then, the company brass got involved and issued a real apology and donated money to an anti-sexual violence organization.
Biomen shampoo
March 2012.
This is a real Turkish TV commercial.
"If you're not wearing women's clothes, you shouldn't be using women's shampoo either. Here it is. A real man's shampoo. Biomen. Real men use Biomen."
Tagline: Shampoo for your herr. (that's a joke).
Multipass travel agency (Ukraine).
June 2012.
"See Asia like Asians do.
to read the text screw up you eyes."
These posters were placed all over cities in Ukraine.
Just, a screwed up, racist campaign. See below.